If you’ve ever had a sales call, you already know that they’re not always easy to deal with. Even if you don’t want to buy anything, it can be hard to get the person off the phone. So what do you do if they try one of these common deceptive sales tactics? Find out here!
Get Down To Business Quickly
You should get to the point as soon as possible. Don’t be afraid to ask questions if you don’t understand, but also don’t let them go on and on about how great their product is. Say no when something sounds too good to be true, and walk away if they try to pressure you into buying something by making threats or using scare tactics.
Don’t Be Afraid To Say No
You might feel guilty about saying no, but don’t, saysNathan Deladurantey. It’s your money and you have a right to spend it as you see fit. If someone is pressuring you into buying something that isn’t right for you, say so! Don’t let them guilt trip or intimidate you into buying something because they say that it’s good for everyone (it probably isn’t). If there are other options available at lower prices, don’t be afraid to mention those options too!
Don’t Give Out Your Personal Information Over The Phone
The first thing you should do when you get a call from a salesperson is to hang up.
If the person calling you isn’t going away, then it’s time to get tough and tell them that you aren’t interested in what they are selling. It may seem like an easy way out, but remember: the telemarketer has already spoken with dozens of people who have told him no before getting to you! So don’t feel bad about saying “no” once or twice–you’re doing your part by keeping his numbers down!
Hang Up If A Call Becomes Too Aggressive Or Threatening
If you’re on the receiving end of a sales call and it becomes aggressive or threatening, hang up, saysNathan Deladurantey. Don’t take any chances with your safety or personal information.
If a caller asks for your credit card number or other personal info, don’t give it out–hang up immediately! If they tell you that there are only two hours left in their sale, don’t believe them; this is simply another way for them to get you off guard so that they can pressure you into buying something from them at an inflated price (or even worse: without getting anything at all).
Don’t Let Yourself Get Talked Into Buying Something Until You Are 100% Sure Of What You Are Buying
If a salesperson is trying to sell you something, be sure to ask lots of questions. If the answers are vague, or even worse if they don’t answer your questions at all, consider walking away from the deal. The same goes for any claims that are made by the salesperson–if a claim sounds too good to be true (or just plain false), then it probably is!
Make sure that you know exactly what you’re buying before making any kind of commitment; this will keep both parties happy in their dealings with one another and prevent any misunderstandings from occurring later on down the line.