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Is Cold Calling an Intelligent decision in IDN Poker Online?

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Cold calling has always been a controversial move. On one hand, where some poker players claim cold-calling to be useless and go only for 3-betting, on the other hand, many gamblers have made cold calling an inherent member of their poker strategy. Now, whose assertion is more rational? Is cold calling worth it? or should you stop it right now? 

IDN Poker online tries to imitate the conventional poker gameplay that allows you to move like you’re playing in a land-based casino, making it extremely crucial to figure out the status of cold calling in a poker strategy. 

The article argues on the position of cold calling in poker along with some reasons why cold calling is not a good option on IDN poker online

What is Meant by Cold Calling in Poker?

Whenever a player who hasn’t put his chips in the pot calls one or more raises, he’s said to call cold. It is among the most common pre-flop strategies that players often use. However, some gamblers also like to cold call in multi-way pots and 3-bet preflop. 

Is Cold Calling Worth It?

Cold calling inhabits several rational arguments from both sides and thus, it’s not a good decision to pass a verdict straight away. Let’s look at some upsides and downsides of including cold calling in your strategy. 

Why should you cold call more often?

Here’re some arguments in favor of cold calls. 

  • The move allows you to encounter cheap flops if you’re owning medium-strength hands
  • The player gets straight into the position preflop if no other players initiate a call 
  • A great way of exploiting weak players behind you 

Tempting, right? Well, let’s look at the other side of the coin. 

Why avoid cold calling?

Here are some reasons to avoid cold calling.

  • If the player behind you owns a 3-betting hand, you’re in serious trouble as he can easily squeeze you out of the pot 
  • The players who haven’t called yet can respond by calling high equity hands. These hands would fold if you try to 3-bet. 
  • In such situations, the pot often becomes multi-way, which automatically diminishes your equity in it. 
  • Winning the pot preflop is impossible 

The 2 Exceptional Situations Where Cold Calling is a Good Option

Cold calling can prove to be a game-changing move in the following situations. 

  • Having some weak players behind you 

Since weak players are great income generators, cold calling compels them to make some cheap investments for making it to the pot. Although his approach is correct, he’d likely goof up while selecting the hands. There’s a high probability of him selecting trashy hands and ending up losing in a multi-way pot. 

  • You have defensive players behind you 

If the player behind you is playing passively, there’re fewer chances of you getting kicked out of the pot, giving you decent opportunities to secure your equity.  

The Verdict

Clearly, cold calling is not a good strategy in general but can prove to be a game-changer if you use it at the right time. Choose your moves effectively and see yourself shining!   

About Post Author

River Scott

Emmett River Scott: Emmett, a culture journalist, writes about arts and entertainment, pop culture trends, and celebrity news.
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