You have probably dreamed of the perfect body, and now you have it with your lovely breasts! It’s time to celebrate your brand-new breasts—but before you do, please be sure to take care of yourself and your new breasts at all times. Here are some tips from Dr. Peter Driscoll on how to care for your body after augmentation surgery.
Wear The Right Kind Of Bra
When it comes to choosing a bra, make sure that the bra you’ve chosen is the right size for your body. If the cups don’t contain all of your breast tissue or if they’re too small, to begin with, blisters can form at their edges as they rub against other parts of the skin on their way up toward the armpit area.
Unfit bras can cause pain when walking or moving around normally during everyday activities like getting dressed or putting on makeup–and it may even prevent you from wearing certain tops because they feel too tight across those areas where there’s still some swelling present after the augmentation surgery.
Get Plenty Of Rest Post-Surgery
Sleep is crucial for healing from the surgery, and it can be hard to get a good night’s sleep when you’re adjusting to new breasts. If you feel like you need extra help getting some shut-eye, try taking naps during the day or going to bed early. If this doesn’t work for you, talk with your doctor about other options that might help improve your sleeping habits.
You should also keep in mind that there are many reasons why someone might not be sleeping well after surgery–and these issues could be serious enough that they require attention from a professional (such as a psychiatrist).
In that case, if any of these symptoms sound familiar: feeling anxious or depressed; having trouble concentrating or remembering things; feeling irritable or angry; being easily startled by loud noises or sudden movements around you…then please see a doctor right away!
Don’t Smoke
Smoking being bad is not just a cliché–it’s an all-time fact! Dr. Peter Driscoll states that smoking can lead to complications during breast augmentation surgery, including increased bleeding and prolonged healing time.
In addition, smoking makes it more difficult for you to heal from any type of procedure because it limits the amount of oxygen that reaches your body tissues. As a result, you may experience pain and discomfort as well as an increased risk of infection if you continue to smoke after undergoing breast augmentation surgery.
Don’t Drink Alcohol Excessively
Lastly, alcohol can be a major contributing factor in breast augmentation surgery. Alcohol can dry out your skin, which increases the risk of infection and causes irritation. It also interferes with your breasts’ healing, so it’s important to avoid drinking excessively after your augmentation procedure.
If you choose to drink alcohol after breast augmentation surgery, limit yourself to one or two drinks per day. Try not to drink more than that because even though it might seem like a small amount of alcohol will not hurt anything, over time these little amounts add up and can make a big difference in how fast your body heals after surgery.